Monday, 4 July 2011

The MacDonald’s Manager – One of the most uncomfortable dates I have ever experienced!

I found the ‘delightful’ Macdonald’s Manager on Grindr. He lived about 5kms away. We got chatting and we had a few things in common especially fanatical religious parents. His father was a Pastor and my father was equivalent to a Priest. We talked for about an hour on the phone and he seemed liked a genuine guy who enjoyed life.

We decided to go out for dinner and a movie at a local shopping centre. The only problem being that he didn’t have a car and used public transport. As the dashing handsome gentleman that I am I offered to pick him up from home (error of judgement #1).

As I drove down the street and saw my date on the side of the road, I queried why it was people put up different pictures to what they truly are. My date had a rather large beer belly and a shirt which did not leave anything to the imagination. His picture had obviously been taken prior to starting work at Maccas.

At that point I should have just cut my losses and offered my apologies that he wasn’t my type, instead I stopped and allowed him into the car (error of judgement #2).  Within 5 minutes the conversation took a turn for the worse. I was apparently using ‘big words’ that he didn’t understand and he said he was not ‘stupid’ but could I please stop using ‘big words’ that he could not understand as it was making him feel uncomfortable. Bless his little cotton socks! For me, any date potential was wiped clean and had gone into negative.

 We dined at a local Asian food place (not fancy) and proceeded to buy tickets to a movie. He continued to say how proud he was that he was a Macdonald’s manager, the training offered by Macdonald’s and the responsibilities of being a manager. Okay now call me a snob… as I am writing this post and reflecting on the date I feel uncomfortable the way I immediately judged him based on his lack of education. I should have been more positive that yes with the little education he did receive that he is making something with his life and was happy.

We sat at the back of the movie theatre (error of judgement #3). Let’s just say the movie sounded very B grade, however it was better than I expected but I had very low expectations. Throughout the movie he fondled my hand. I was giving the subtle signs of not reciprocating and shuffling around. I don’t think he had the insight to understand.

After the movie we were walking to the car through the car park. We were walking in front of a group of guys. It is important to note at this stage that we were in a lower socio-economic suburb (some may say Hicksville). What happened next further highlighted my date’s stupidity. He proceeded to slap my arse and give it a pinch! WTF. He laughed it off, meanwhile I was taking a very brisk walk to the car explaining to him the dangers of what he just did!

Now at this point I must say that I am definitely not one of these guys that like public displays of affection (‘PDAs’) – a slap on the arse was a definite no no in my books. Red carded and instant dismissal from the dating field.

So we got in my car (yes I had to drive him home). He clasped his hand around my thigh and proceeded to utter something to the effect that he really enjoyed the night and really thought we clicked and asked when he would see me again.  I would love to have a brief insight into the workings of his mind as to why he thought we clicked – it has me flummoxed to this day as to how he reached that conclusion.

I politely but firmly said that I was not going to see him again as he was not my type. He took a couple of seconds to swallow and process what I had just said. He clasped my thigh again and said those fateful words “why? What don’t you like about me?”

Why do people want to subject themselves to a list of things that another person doesn’t like about them? Now I could have spent 10 minutes or so telling him why he wasn’t my type. All I said was “let’s just leave it as you’re not my type.” Those 8 minutes driving him home were unpleasant. There was an icy silence throughout the journey I could hear him breathing shallowly with an ever so slight wheeze coming from his nose.

He hopped out of the car. He hadn’t given up on having some type of connection to me. He said that he was still open to mates if I was and to contact him.

Needless to say as soon as I got home I blocked him on Grindr and proceeded to add a note to my phone DO NOT ANSWER!

So I ask my blog readers… was I a snob?

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