Saturday, 16 July 2011

My Fuck buddy – Can it get any better?

I must admit I have grown quite attached to my fuck buddy. I didn’t hear from him for several days and was thinking that he might be ‘over me’ and wanting something more with someone else. I messaged him to see how his week was progressing. We chatted back and forth… but no invite was forthcoming. I was in a little bit of a sad.

I had two of my gaggle over for dinner and we discussed this turn of events. I was constantly logging on to Manhunt to check whether he had messaged. They both agreed that he was probably playing hard to get or just pulling back so he didn’t get more emotionally attached… as who wouldn’t want to have sex with me (bless them – they know how to stroke a guy’s ego). I found out that he was neither ignoring me nor was playing hard to get.
The next night I manned up again and asked him how the rest of his week had gone. It was then he invited me over. I was ecstatic and immediately messaged my gaggle. He again greeted me at the door with the warmest smile – it was so sexy. I followed him to the bedroom. It was there that I had the best sex – it was off the scale, like nothing I had experienced before. (I have included the full intimate details in a XXX post).
After the fuck, we chatted a bit. It was then he confessed that he was not drinking alcohol. Thus I attribute the awesome sex to him being sober. Oh my god – I would never let him drink another drop to experience the best fuck again and again!
He invited me to stay and watch a movie. Having him just snuggle and get cosy under the rug felt so right! It was then I began to question whether I could have a relationship with him, I ran through the pros and cons… cook, sexy, tradie, surfer, romantic, great sex and normal – how could I possibly get a better boyfriend (this was my little head talking) – my big head was thinking otherwise. Essentially the only thing that was not going for him was he didn’t much drive in him to succeed.
I feel like I am being a little superficial concentrating on the cons rather than focusing on the positives. I must confess that he is not the type of guy I could see myself introducing to my friends or family. But I could definitely introduce him as a trophy husband…
So what am I doing tonight I hear you ask – well he has invited me over to dinner and movies… I’m looking forward to holding him in my arms again… (I hear the violin playing in the background – stringing some music – it sounds good)… 

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