Monday, 11 July 2011

All tied up by my Fuck Buddy

I had logged on to Manhunt after work and within five minutes had received a message from my fuck buddy asking how my day went. I gave him the usual spiel - it was a little busy at work but felt like I was productive.

He then sent a very strange message - he was letting me know that he met an awesome and amazing guy and was trying to make everything work with the guy. When I first read it I thought he was being a little cheeky and referring to me. When I read it a second and third time I understood that he had met another guy and was trying to make a relationship with this guy.

It felt like he was closing the door on our fuck buddy arrangement. I must admit I felt a little sad that I wouldn’t be getting another massage and magical hug from my fuck buddy… However the next day I received an invite to come over…

I rocked up at his place, when he first saw me he had the biggest warmest smile on his face. When we started talking he confessed that he had missed me. Later on during the night he also confessed that the awesome and amazing guy he had met was me. He then invited me to stay the night…

We talked for ages and listened to music, we got talking about each other’s childhood, the way our parents brought us up and each other’s past relationship. This was definitely not a fuck buddy conversation. We went to his bed were we had sex and then fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was a chilly night so having the warmth of his body against mine was pure heaven.

We woke up early in the morning but continued cuddling till about 10:00 in the morning (it was a shock as I only thought it would be about 8:00 at most). The morning was special, it was at this point I finally acknowledged it was not just a fuck buddy arrangement it was at the very least a mates with benefits arrangement. It had too many strings to just be about sex, I genuinely felt there was something more albeit something less than a romantic entanglement.

Throughout the night I felt like he was tying me up with more and more strings. He let out the cutest sighs, it was a sigh of absolute contentment. He also had a glint in his eye whenever we locked eyes and he held me closer… Although he repeatedly commented that he knew I was just after a physical relationship and that was all ‘kewl’. I think this was comment was more for his own benefit, he needed to reaffirm to himself that I was not seeking a relationship.

The next night I got a message he was bored so came over and we snuggled watching a movie. I fell asleep a couple of times, only to find him just looking at me with a knowing smile on his lips. He invited me to stay the night again, but as I had work the next day I said I should go home (although I really didn’t want to!).

So my fuck buddy had turned complicated, he seriously wanted to have strings and tie me up from my little toe to the tip of my head, all the while knowing that the guy he was with was not after a relationship. I feel a little bad in making him feel this way. However, I was leaving it in his court as to when and how he wants to see me. And I believe he would feel a hell of a lot worst if I just cut him off...

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