Thursday, 7 July 2011

Feelings of being Asexual - my lack of sex drive

My four cocks in one day experience had left me wondering what was occurring with my body, I had very low libido and couldn't get a strong erection. It was if it was saying hold on buddy you’ve had too much cock… SLOW DOWN. If this was the case, my body was being very inconvenient! I had only just come out of a rebound relationship so my big head wanted to fuck around with all the hotties, however my little head was acting like a spoilt child and was being a stubborn bitch.

I can’t really explain how I was feeling other than I had no motive or inclination to go out and find a fuck. Even if I saw a guy on Grindr or Manhunt it didn’t light the fire within my groin.

Not even stroking the sausage would work, my cock was dead and was laughing at me for even trying. Even if I did have a tiny spark of being horny, my once strong weapon was just a flaccid blow up hammer (the ones that you get from the Ag Shows or sporting matches).

I began to question my manhood. I googled erectile dysfunction, the web was saying that it is either psychological or physical. I was leaning towards it being psychological as of course not only had I separated from a long term relationship, I had also had my first rebound relationship end. It was my mind saying enough is enough, concentrate on me rather than just get it off with anonymous guys.

During this time, I continued to log on to Grindr and Manhunt trying to find that spark that guy that would light my fire and keep it burning. Let me tell you, there were some hotties that messaged during this time. I was constantly cursing my little head for its ineptitude.

There was one guy who had a gorgeous six pack, was a total bottom, great chest and was overall a great specimen of a man. He was totally interested in hooking up with me. My ego was well and truly boosted by this guy. However, my little head wasn’t having any part of it so I just said that I wasn’t feeling it. He continued to text me three more times, each time I gave a somewhat suspect excuse. Now that I have my mojo back, I haven’t seen him logon again. Its the luck of the draw I suppose...

This state of affairs persisted for three long weeks… you’ll never guess who broke the drought and gave me back my mojo… my FB…


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