Friday, 22 July 2011

It’s getting more complicated - Dinner and Movie Dates

I had been chatting to a guy on Manhunt for about a month or so, he was about 300kms away. He was keen on me coming down for a holiday and catching up. However, he seemed a little unresponsive at times, I would message him but he wouldn’t message back. It was about two months later that I received a text message from him saying he was in the city. I was excited to catchup with him so messaged back asking whether he was here permanently. He replied that it was only for a day. I enthusiastically said I was free that night if he was keen to catchup. I didn’t get a response. I then messaged on Manhunt, again no response. I messaged him once more just before leaving work, again no response.
I began to suspect he was a time waster. So I blocked him on Manhunt and never thought of it anymore. He earlier indicated that he was coming here permanently in August. So I unblocked him about 2 weeks ago thinking that I will give him the opportunity to explain himself if he messages me when his in Perth. About a week ago, I received a message from him just saying hey. I replied and said long time no hear and asked how he was doing. Again I received no response, although his stats said he had logged on and that the message was read.

I tried one more time in messaging him, I generally don’t chase my men as it gives the impression that your needy (I hate clingons!). His profile had been updated that he was now living in the city. So I replied back saying that it’s great that he was in the city and we should catchup. We chatted for a bit and arranged to meet for dinner and movies.

His photos didn’t do him justice, he had a boyish charm about him, a cheeky smile and was very good looking. He was mid to late twenties. He was a professional chef. The conversation flowed well as he was a talker and I kept on asking him questions to establish whether he was the guy for me. He didn’t seem to ask any questions of me, and when he did he didn’t probe further.

We watched the movie, it was kind of cute as he kept on getting snuggling closer to me throughout the movie. I just wanted to lean over and hold his hand, but as I have discussed before public displays of affections are a no no.

The movie finished and we went to our cars and shaked each other’s hands. On the way home I received a message from him that he enjoyed the night and that it was refreshing that it was not just about the sex - but he didn’t feel like I had talked enough. I cheekily replied that he hadn’t asked many questions.

I was exceptionally horny and toey after the date, so I logged on to Grindr. I received a message about 5 minutes after logging on from a 30 something cyclist, he was very toned and god damn scruffable. Needless to say he invited me over and we fucked like rabbits (full details in a XXX post to follow). I didn't get home until 2:00 o'clock so in the end only had 4 and a half hours sleep that night - I was falling asleep at my desk that day.

We texted a couple of times throughout the next couple of days and decided that we do another dinner and movies.

On our second date the conversation again flowed well, but still he didn’t ask probing questions. I felt like I was extracting all this information from him but felt he wasn’t really making any effort in trying to get to know me.

As we had finished dinner early we walked through a couple of shops. A salesman had approached us and asked whether we wanted any help. I could sense something as he held his gaze on me a little long but I just gave him a warm smile. My date then said no we don’t we are just browsing and waved him away. It was only after we left the shop that my date commented that the salesman was undressing me with his eyes. I was completely oblivious to this (truly - I am completely hopeless about cruising), but my date felt a little jealous and waved the guy away so he couldn’t look at me anymore. This made me feel a little special.

During the movie, he slipped his arm under mine and we held each other’s hands. It felt good skin on skin contact. I was relatively comfortable with this public display of affection as it was in a dark area. Thus one of my gaggle suggested the term DAPDA (‘dark area public display of affection’). I was comfortable with this DAPDA, it felt so right.

Later on we went for ice-cream, as we were looking at the different types he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. While there was people around I felt comfortable as it was not a sleazy touch just a warm touch that a mate would give.

So after the movies we gave each other a hug. On the way home, I again received a message. We both said we enjoyed each others company. He then let slip that he had expected me to invite him to sleep over my place just for cuddles not sex. He also confessed that I had been his first date since his last boyfriend two years ago. He previously stated he was a traditional guy so I said that he definitely should have said something as I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression that I was just after sex. So I took the reins and invited him over for pizza and movies on the weekend.

I could see myself falling for this guy as we both had similar interests. The only thing was that I was having the talk with my fuck buddy about exclusivity the next night. Who ever said that single life was easy! At least with a relationship you only have to consider the emotional needs of one person. Being single you need to consider the needs of all your dates, your fuck buddies and your randoms. One of my gaggle cheekily suggested that I should do the double date thing and have two changes of clothes. I laughed that that only happens in the movies!

However, since writing my blog, I’m beginning to recognise that my life is interesting and a good story. My gaggle have described my blog as “Gay Sex in the City”. I think probably relate  more to Samantha than the other characters.

So I’m writing this post just before I head out to have the talk with my fuck buddy. I feel a little out of my depth as I seriously think that I relate more to my chefette than my fuck buddy. And my fuck buddy still smoked – strings would have to be detached if that was to continue.  It’s all getting very complicated…

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