Saturday, 23 July 2011

The fuck buddy talk that was not to be – the green eyed monster of jealousy rears its head.

I had rocked up at my fuck buddy’s place for dinner. When I got there his neighbour was there who I had met three times before. Not only that, he was expecting three more people to come over and have dinner. I felt a little ambushed as he had only mentioned that one person would be joining us for dinner – he said nothing about a ‘meeting the friends’ night. Maybe I was just being a little sensitive but to my mind if your potential boyfriend says that we need to talk you don’t invite all the friends to meet him. It came across as he was trying to avoid having the talk.

It became very apparent during the night that it was certainly a ‘meeting the friends’ night, he was seeking their approval. He asked his fag hag so what do you think of this guy (i.e. me) - he said he would like to get to know me more. His fag hag was appropriately diplomatic and said it is a little too early to say.

The conversation flowed well that night.

It was later in the night that it came out one of the guys was a prior fuck buddy (in the true sense of the term). My fuck buddy was a little drunk and was very open to questions. I asked when they last fucked. He replied that is was about a month ago. Throughout the night it was obvious that my fuck buddy was still very much attracted to him. He kept on massaging his shoulders and kissing him on the cheek. He was also using the same phrases he used on me… it dulled the emotions for my fuck buddy and made me feel like just another root to my fuck buddy.

I could feel the green eyed monster of jealousy rear its head. Apart from a welcome kiss, my fuck buddy had not touched me once that night to show affection. He was totally paying more attention to this guy than me. I began to question the connection that I had with my fuck buddy. Why on earth would he invite me over to meet his friends and then swoon over a prior root?

He made an observation that he has met a lot of guys but didn’t feel any connection to them. Which I felt indicated that he had found a connection with me. My thoughts were - damn well prove that you have a connection to me! Why the fuck would he expect me to be exclusive when he obviously is attracted to his 'friends.'

The prior root would not leave the place, myself and my fuck buddy were giving the appropriate hints to leave. In the end my fuck buddy went to bed and we were left to our own devices. It wasn’t until about 1:30 that I gave up and just said okay it’s late I’m leaving. It was obvious that the planned talk was not going to happen tonight. I was peeved… very peeved… still am peeved while writing this post… (deep breaths... deep breaths...)

I left but the prior root appeared to want to hang around a little more. I could sense something there. I just can’t get over why the prior root hung around so long. Surely any sensible person would just make excuses to go and leave the two ‘love-birds’ to their own devices. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had gone into my fuck buddy’s room and tried something on him. I would certainly be asking the question of my fuck buddy… brutal honesty is required.

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