Sunday, 24 July 2011

One hell of an epic date – 20+ hours

It was date number 3 with the chefette. He came over for a pizza and movie night. Let’s just say it was a very nice night. We cuddled while watching two movies, he was lying across my chest with my hand on his chest. It felt good, it felt so right.

We talked about his ideal boyfriend. He wanted a tall guy who was masculine, had similar interests to him, was comfortable with silence and made him feel safe. It seemed that I ticked all the right boxes.

He stayed the night and we feel asleep spooning each other. While I was very horny I was conscious that I didn’t want to push the boundaries as he said he just liked to sleep while cuddling. With him big spoon and little spoon felt good. He was very toned and hugged me tightly.

When we woke I suggested we go for breakfast, which he enthusiastically accepted. The conversation was still flowing well. When we got back, we were just cuddling on the couch talking about his interests, his past boyfriends and getting to know him a little more. He seemed more able to ask probing questions than the previous two dates. I also felt more comfortable about opening up about my life, the relationship with my parents, my coming out story and the relationship with my X.

We seemed to have established a close connection. We continued to chat and cuddle on the couch. I had organised afternoon tea with a mate, so I invited him along. It was interesting to see how he interacted with my mate, he was a little smart ass and a little cheeky (just like me so it seemed like we were a good match).

After the afternoon tea, he continued to stay at my place and we listened to music. I felt like he didn’t want to go as he let out the biggest sigh when he said that he was making a move. Unfortunately I had dinner organised at my fuck buddy’s otherwise would have made him stay over again. So he left and confirmed that he would definitely give me a call. I immediately texted my gaggle of females that my 3rd date lasted some 20+ hours! I must admit I was on a wee bit of an ego trip – my date clearly digged me and I digged my date.

In retrospect, I am amazed there were no awkward silences, we both fed off each other and picked up where the other finished. Any silences we did experience was not at all awkward, we just seemed to enjoy being in each other’s company. This evidenced that we had a good connection. I think we have all experienced those dates where we are struggling to find conversation topics – this was certainly not one of these. The day just couldn’t get any better.

I was tempted to give him a text to say thanks for the great day. But I honestly think that he already knew what I thought of him as otherwise he wouldn’t have stayed so long. I also didn’t want to seem clingy after only three dates. I was being cool, calm and collected.

However, this just further complicates my talk with my fuck buddy tonight. I could definitely see myself falling for this guy and we did have more similar interests. The only thing was that he might be moving to another city to check out the food culture there… It just seemed cruel that I had met a really genuine nice guy and that he might be moving interstate. It was vicious that at the same time I would have to have a ‘define the relationship’ talk with my fuck buddy. Well I recognise I can no longer call my fuck buddy, a ‘fuck buddy’, he has was too many strings for that, thus I have named him Mr Complicated. I hope this description is met with approval from my blog readers ;)

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