Monday, 4 July 2011

The second thoughts text… Mister A

Well I hadn’t heard from Mister A in about a week since the dumping text. I was getting ready for a Sunday breakfast. I love Sunday breakfast. My favourite by a long mile is Eggs Royale (poached eggs on salmon on toasted muffins topped with hollandaise sauce). The combination of the velvety smooth egg yolk, the mouth-watering smoked salmon and the heart congesting hollandaise is perfect for those times when you need to recuperate after a long night out. An Eggs Royale with a lovingly prepared café latte sets you up to be in a great mood for the rest of the day.

It was in the middle of my breaky when I received an SMS from Mister A. Apparently Mister A was enquiring how I was feeling via text… Begin sarcastic rant… how positively manly of Mister A to consider my feelings at this juncture. I mean he obviously is very considerate as again he was just conversing via text rather than being a man and calling me. I had obviously found a real loser who couldn’t express his feelings in person.

I put on my brave face and replied saying that I am all good and asked why I would not be feeling good. I recognised that it would do no good to accuse him of hurting me or get angry about the way he told me. I got great satisfaction in texting him to say that everything was fine. I was trying to slap him in the face. I was being ambivalent and attempting to convey to him that the relationship meant nothing to me.

My gaggle of females was dismayed at this turn of event. They agreed with me that it resulted from emotional insecurities and childish view on life.

About a week later, I received another SMS from Mister A. This text confirmed that I was better off without this guy in my life and made me ecstatic that I didn’t invest any more time in developing a relationship with him. Mister A felt compelled to text me that he was missing me. WTF!

I could not understand why anyone would have the emotional immaturity to dump someone via text and then seek to try and repair the damage caused by the same medium he used to break up the relationship!

I simply replied that I appreciated the sentiment but I would not be riding on that emotional rollercoaster again. I also commented that perhaps he might want to delay meeting the parents until he was absolutely sure he wanted to be the relationship (a sharp but subtle dig at him)…

In hindsight, Mister A served a useful purpose. It helped me realised that I had not lost my mojo… I was still ‘lovable.’ It helped me not feel alone after the breakup as it kept me occupied for 3 nights every week.

So in truth – I should thank Mister A for being there during the period after the breakup and for dumping me. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, at the time I wanted nothing more than to go back and have some fun with him one last time. Thank goodness I had the sense to follow my big head and not my little head…

To date I haven’t heard from Mister A again… although the world is a small place and I’m 100% sure that our paths will cross again.

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