Saturday, 25 June 2011

About Me

About Me

I hate this question – the inevitable “tell me about yourself?” is a loaded question that can’t be avoided in a dating situation.  Its tantamount to asking a used car salesman “tell me about the car”. It inevitably results in you selling yourself to your prospective date to ‘tick off boxes’ on his theoretical list of needs and wants from a partner.

I am by no means a used car (some may say different – those persons will be appropriately and severely bitch slapped and castrated if I do identify them). So here it goes…

I’m a male in my early thirties, live in an Australian capital city and yes I’m gay – I make love with men (big shock now calm yourself down – take deep breaths it’s a big revelation). You can imagine the reaction that my fanatical religious parents had when I came out to them as a homosexual (but all in due time – I have much to blog about).

I’m educated.  Now for some people this means simply completing Year 12. For my list of needs and wants it refers to someone who at least as gone that extra step and completed a technical college course or ideally has gone to University. I myself have a double degree (for those wondering one of them is not Arts….). And educated certainly does not mean that you are a Macdonald’s manager and completed their internal training (this date deserves a whole post by itself).

I’m genuine. I think this term is a little too well used in the dating arena. What is it that makes someone genuine? defines genuine as “free from pretense, affectation, or hypocrisy; sincere”, pretense is further defined as “pretending, a false show of something.” So technically it means someone who is true to themselves and is not pretending to be someone they are not. I am me and I don’t give a rat’s arse what you think of me (but pul-lease like my blog LOL).

I’m masculine – by that I mean I am not effeminate – but I do have my moments when I glam it up. If I was walking down the street you wouldn’t pick me for gay (unless a super hottie was walking by and I was taking a second and third looksy – there are always exceptions!). I do lightly shape my eyebrows – there is nothing worse than a mono bush above the eyes. I do manscape – again nothing worse than a forest when you are going down on someone (clear felling a forest when performing oral is never a good thing – think pubes in mouth)

Now I suppose I should describe my looks, I am White/Caucasian about 6 feet tall and an average build verging on athletic (yes I am working on it). Some would say I’m a stud, some might just say easy on the eye, some may say average (no I am not putting up a pic so you can judge!), NEVER met anyone who said I was ugly (but again am waiting for the day that I commence the inevitable decline to old age). My cheeky sly grin is my best asset and I use it without abandon.

Now if you have gotten this far you are probably wondering why I’ve very vague in describing myself. The purpose of my blog is to provide a candid journal about my experiences with dating as a recently single gay man. I can’t be that candid if I can be identified – especially with some of the blogs I have planned!

And please I do not accept date requests on this blog… (do you really want me to publicise how I really feel about you and the date?).

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,

    Please take a look at 306, a gay short film, written, directed & produced by Melbourne born film maker Elliot London.
    Please would you post it on your website and/or share it with your friends.
    Warning: adult minded.

    Thank you

