Friday, 12 August 2011

Lunch Time Date with a wet rag... Uninspiring - 2/5 on the Date Scale

Had a lunch time date today with a wet rag. He had messaged me on GRINDR and we got chatting. He seemed nice enough he was after mates and dates as was I.

From the outset he was very uninteresting, he was 27 had only had two relationships one six months and the other 2 years. It's a wonder that he achieved that long as he was like talking to a brick wall.

His conversation was stunted always expected me to lead the conversation. Which didnt work as everything I said he only responded with no more than a sentence.

He hadn't travelled overseas. He didn't have any plans for the weekend...

He had a double degree in Arts and Education. My regular readers will know what I think about guys having an Arts degree! Meeting this guy only proved my theory... People with Arts degrees have no spark and lack intelligence (jk).

So back to the drawing board I go... Trying to find that special someone which ticks most of the boxes. My fuck buddy is looking better and better as a potential partner (tongue in cheek).

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