Monday, 22 August 2011

Fuck Buddy – the day after the volcano + Sixth date with Chefette

Well I had been waiting for a message from my fuck buddy the next day. I received it in the middle of the afternoon asking whether I was still pissed at him. I replied that I was still pissed off at him. He then apologised and said he was sorry and that he hoped that I would stop being mad at him as he had been upset all day. I thanked him for the apology and suggested that we should spend the night apart. He said that he understood and that if I changed my mind to give him a call.

I realise that they are his friends, and as we are not in a relationship it is totally inappropriate for me to put any limits what so ever on whom he sees and what he does. However, I do have the right to say who I want to spend time with.

I had arranged to spend the night with Chefette watching movies at his pad. We watched two horror flicks which were great. I was beginning to feel more of a connection with him which was a positive sign. I slept over the night  and then set my alarm early. He of course being in between jobs didn’t need to get up. I got dressed and kissed him goodbye.
It was that night that I got a goodnight message from my fuck buddy saying that he missed our cuddles and again hope that I wasn’t mad at him. I said that I needed time and to lock in True Blood night… yes I’m going over there again tonight. I will have to have a talk with my fuck buddy.
It seems like I’m on a runaway train with the knowledge that the end of the line is coming up ahead. I just can’t (or in fact won’t) jump off the train before the crash occurs. I know its going to hurt, I know the devastation that will result. Call me stupid, call me an idiot, call me simple… I just can’t jump off the train just yet! Well at least its making a good story...

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