Monday, 8 August 2011

PEP Update

Well it is Day 6 of my PEP treatment. I am happy to report that there has been minimal side effects. The first couple of days it felt like I was swallowing a golf ball about half way down my esophagus.

the only noticeable side effect that has lasted to Day 6 is that my bowel motions feel like acid. Yes that's right... it feels like I'm shitting acid. Not the most pleasant side effect but  I feel great that it is not the long list of serious side effects that it could have been.

I have my checkup with the Sexual Health doctor tomorrow to pick up the rest of the prescription and do the full sexual health check (consisting of swabbing the mouth, penis and ass, urine test and bloods). Wish me luck that I don't have anything untoward like chlamydia, gonnarhea, syphilis, anal warts, herpes... YUCK!

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