Saturday, 20 August 2011

Fuck buddy – Revealed – the Volcano Erupts…

Well I had planned to spend time with my fuck buddy tonight, but I'm early writing this post as apparently he had other plans. I write this post moving to the tunes of ‘Forget You’ and listening to dance music. Cortisone is running through my veins at a mile per hour. I’m physically shaking... so what happened?

It all started out as a normal night, it was dinner with fuck buddy and his neighbour. Apparently he had invited some friends over for dinner. This itself was not an issue as it was interesting to see my fuck buddy interact with his friends. We went to get some beer from the local bottle shop, on the way back we stopped into his friends place (the people that were supposed to be coming round for dinner).

I walked into a first floor unit, upon entry I could see that the inhabitants were deros (Aussie slang for white trash). The place hadn’t been cleaned in weeks, the carpets were stained as far as the eye could see. The coffee table was chockers full of open beer bottles and full cigarette trays. The white trash inhabitant of the unit was stoned off his face. I felt immediately uncomfortable being in the unit. It didn’t help that when we got out of the car, my fuck buddy said that I need to protect him as the guys wanted to fuck him as they were previous fucks and thought he had a cute ass… WTF – my jealously was coming to the surface! – my reservations about having a relationship with my fuck buddy were being crystallised before my eyes.

I was there about 10 minutes before the white trash inhabitant offered to light up a joint. My skin was crawling, my anxiety levels had reached to the space beyond. My fuck buddy as always said “are you okay” and of course expected a yes from me. I said no I’m not okay and I would be leaving him to have ‘fun’ with his friends. I instantly walked out to the car and started it up. As I was reversing out, my fuck buddy opened my door and tried to talk me into staying (I stupidly had not locked it).

I said I was uncomfortable and could not stand to be in the place for another second. I admitted I was an absolute snob and don’t relate to those type of people. I said I was a lawyer and never associated with these type of people. He then asked why I was with him, I replied that he was not like them. He had a clean house and didn’t live in filth. I said to him go back and party which he obviously wanted to do. He said that there is no other person that he wanted to spend time with than me (big ego boost!). I told him to hop in the car if he thought that way – which he did. Whilst driving to his place, he got a message from the white trash inhabitant saying that they were obviously not coming for dinner.

When we got to his place, we proceeded to start cooking dinner. It was then that he came up to me, and reassured me that everything was going to be okay. He then asked that I talk with him before storming out. I apologised and said that I promised to talk with him before leaving again. He said he was both proud of me but also peeved. When I asked why he was proud he could not express why. It was then that he ask that I don’t freak out. I said I’m not freaking out now. He then said that the white trash inhabitant and his friends were coming over. I was instantly peeved, I was pissed, my blood was boiling, my anxiety had gone off the scales, I erupted like a volcano. I said well in that case I was leaving, he tried to push me back in my chair and reassure me. I physically shoved him out the way, I just simply said “I told you.”

As I left the door gave a satisfactory slam. I was expecting him to chase after me so I locked the car doors as soon as I got in the car. As I drove off, I saw him on the verge waving me back, I continued to drive on.

So he just proved where his loyalties lie – to his friends – not to the person that he apparently is ‘madly in love with.’ He is a true people pleaser – he likes to please his friends… So much for wanting to spend time with me...

I got a sense of what a relationship would be like with my fuck buddy – it would be impossible to please everyone – it is likely that I would take second place to his desire to please his friends.

P.S. – I’m still pissed after writing this post…

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