Monday, 8 August 2011

Fuck Buddy Update - How can you have a relationship with only one partner being exclusive?

Well since we agreed to continue seeing each other as fuck buddys, I feel he has continued to fall deeper in love with me.

Last night when I met him (Sunday), I learned that he was upset that I had not messaged him since we last met (Thursday).  This was easily explainable as I was outside mobile coverage. He also said that he seriously missed me during the weekend and was elated when I had messaged him saying the weekend was great and that I was back in Perth. I think you’ll agree that this conversation was more of a relationship talk than a fuck buddy talk.

He repeatedly said that he loved me but always added ‘only as mates’. He recognised how much the word ‘love’ meant to me and didn’t want to freak me out. He reassured me that he had no feelings for me other than fuck buddys.

This was subsequently proved incorrect. He was talking about his weekend and had met a couple of his mates on the Friday. I had met one the guys before, you may recall the guy I referred to as his ‘previous fuck’ who I had suspicions about and had ejected from my fuck buddy’s house. Another guy was also there, he had talked about this one particular guy before, he was another person who had ‘fuck buddy’ status who he has shagged for about six years. He told his new fuck buddy about me. He said that his fuck buddy got very jealous as my fuck buddy had NEVER spoken about another guy like he had about me. He even confessed that the guy was ready to beat me up until my fuck buddy calmed him down…

Later on in the night, the ‘previous fuck’ and the ‘fuck buddy’ got it on in my fuck buddy’s bedroom (you still with me?). When my fuck buddy walked in, they asked him to join. Apparently my fuck buddy declined as he was not in the mood.

On another night that weekend he had his ex over for a drink and chat. To cut the story short, the ex also wanted to have a fuck with my fuck buddy. It was at this point in the story that my fuck buddy stated that he was exclusive to me and that he didn’t want to fuck around with anyone else. But he also said that he was okay with me not being exclusive and was happy that I was fucking around. Yes, I’ll repeat that for full effect - my fuck buddy indicated that he was exclusive to me.

This sounded more and more like a relationship talk. I so wanted him to just come out and say that he fucked some guys on the weekend, I would have been extremely happy! It was like I was in a pressure cooker, with the pressure slowly building up to a crescendo that was not likely to pop anytime soon. I think that my fuck buddy feels like we are in some sort of open relationship – albeit a relationship in his head.

I reiterated to him that we are mates who like to fuck. I think it is now falling on deaf ears…

I enjoy being in his company, but again he is not relationship material. He is not going to monopolise my emotions and my activities for his full enjoyment. I am still happy seeing him. I am just so cautious about not hurting his feelings…

I would ask my readers to consider the question “should I end it with my fuck buddy” but I am afraid I’m not ready to hear the answer…

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