Friday, 19 August 2011

Fuck Buddy – it’s happened

Well it happened… my fuck buddy messaged me and begged me to come over (literally). I messaged back asking whether his feelings had changed, the fact that I didn’t want to lead him on. He asked whether I had missed him which I truthfully replied in the affirmative. He said he just wanted me to be comfortable and that whatever happens he still wants to remain friends. I confess that I had butterflies in my stomach when I got his message.

After all my talk of not being cruel, evil and nasty – I granted his request and drove over with a smile on my face. As I said before I’m a little head strong. My gaggle was completely against the idea of me seeing my fuck buddy again. They were concerned that I would fall deeper in love with him and him fall deeper in love with me. One of my overseas gaggle asked the question that if I was in love with my fuck buddy then why not see if it could work… This line of reasoning I think is dangerous territory. First off one of my key requirements in a potential mate is a non-smoker and a non-alcoholic – he was both of these.  I have to keep my head above water and think with my big head rather than my little head – otherwise I could get sucked into a relationship which I should not have got sucked into. I acknowledge that I have already sunk in knee deep as I have fallen in love with him.

I can’t explain the immense satisfaction that I get when I am in his arms. The feeling of safety, the warmth, the love that I get from him sends me crazy (its like a drug).

I know that it is going to end badly, I know that my actions are speaking louder than my words, I know that some people would think its cruel that I continue to see him knowing how he feels about me. However, we are both adults, we know how each other feels, I have made it crystal clear to my fuck buddy. 

He told me he was upset that I hadn’t contacted him all through the week, it apparently took all his reserves not to message me. I merely replied that I  was following what he had wanted – he wanted space and I gave him space. I said he was in control of when he wanted to see me again as he was the one that had the feelings.

I know that my actions in seeing him and continuing ‘cuddle time’ is showing my fuck buddy that I had feelings for him… it was plainly obvious to his neighbour that I had developed feelings for him as he had commented numerous times that me and him had a connection and that my fuck buddy was a great guy.

So where am I off to tonight I hear you ask? – I can sense the groans coming from my readers – I’m a little ashamed but hey I’ve told you the chocolate milkshake story so there no holding back now – I’m off to my fuck buddy’s…

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