Saturday, 25 June 2011

My first Grindr Experience

The night that I broke up with my ex-partner I got back on the pony – I did not want to give my X the satisfaction that I continued to have feelings for him. I opened a Grindr profile and logged on… thus I was immersed in a world which was totally new and seductive – so many guys just a short drive away.

There were so many new terms as well – it was liked I had stepped into another country and had to learn another language – NSA, ‘FUN’, ‘TRAVEL’, ‘HOST’, ‘UFOs’. I was constantly amazed at how open everyone was - noting whether they were top, bottom, versatile, versatile with top preference and versatile with bottom preference.

I must admit the term NSA totally flummoxed me – so I asked GOD – I asked Google. So yes now I know No Strings Attached. The ‘strings’ of course being any emotional connections with the individual. Put simply, it is sex for the sake of sex. A more acceptable term was merely ‘fun’.

As I didn’t have a pic at the time I didn’t get too much traction from guys. And yes I am now the same way – faceless profiles or ppl which won’t provide pics are in the main butt ugly (that’s the nicest possible term), fat (bordering on obese), old (ancient). Thus was born the phrase no UFOs. Yes you might get the hunk of spunk who is not out and just wants discrete fun – but do you want to cast your line and snare a UFO?

I finally took a self photograph in a mirror with my iPhone (very classy). That night I chatted up a few people and arranged to meet for coffee. Yes I had (key word had) traditional values – my motto was no sex before coffee. Needless to say many Grindr veterans simply blocked or ignored my messages. My ego was sorely bruised – was it my pic? was I desperate?

After the initial 'Hey' - I got some confidence and I arranged to meet a few people for coffee (4 on the first weekend) – that weekend I met my first rebound relationship… lets call him "Mister A"

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