Wednesday, 29 June 2011

My First Rebound Relationship - Mister A

It started with coffee at a hip café. The first date was just ‘okay’ the conversation seemed a little stunted but there were no awkward silent moments. He was older than me but good looking, appeared to have his head screwed on and owned his own place. The first date lasted about an hour and a half until we went our separate ways. He admitted that he was a smoker but was in the process of quitting (I can’t ever see myself dating a smoker but gave him the benefit of the doubt – first mistake). Based on this date, I didn’t see it going anywhere (I should have trusted by gut instinct – second mistake!).

I received a text from him the day after saying he enjoyed coffee and apologised for being tired as he had a huge night the night before. He wanted to arrange a dinner on Wednesday. At the time I was still living with my sister so any excuse to get out and about was vigorously accepted. Although I had no expectations that this was going anywhere.

The second date commenced by him picking me up from my sister’s place and we went to a local Italian restaurant. The conversation flowed better than the first date and we appeared to hit it off. We then strolled around town for about an hour, hopped in his car and walked along the beach (this second date was ticking all the right boxes).

Over the course of the next 4 weeks we were texting each other every day and meeting up for dinner at least twice a week and had some ‘fun’ along the way. I had begun to describe him as 'Mr Perfect' (third mistake - I was getting too emotionally attached after a short period of time).
... in the next instalments I’ll discuss meeting the parents, the feeling that he was pulling away and the totally unsatisfactory conclusion to this relationship.

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