Thursday, 30 June 2011

From the Desk of the BubblyBlonde - The Facebook Stalker

I was talking with BubblyBlonde today, part of my gaggle of blondes. She was bemoaning the fact that nothing interesting happened to her and thus she would have nothing to write about if she started a blog. I knew this to be false so asked her to think of a memorable story and put it in writing... this is the result (with just a tad of drama thrown in).

Bubblyblonde had separated from her ex-boyfriend. She was not taking it well as she had just purchased a house with her ex-boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend planned on buying her out of the house. She had moved in with her parents, but had some of her belongings still in the house.

The ex-boyfriend messaged her one day and requested (was more like a demand) to remove the remainder of her things from the home. The reason for this is that a friend of the ex was moving in (how bloody rude!). She was living with her parents, paying half the mortgage and he was letting a friend move in to her home!

So she called her trusty brother and borrowed his Hilux ute. She drove to the trailer hire place and walked in to fill out the paper work to hire a trailer and pay the bond. The guy at the counter was average looking, seemed completely normal, she was getting no vibe that he was interested in her. She handed over my licence and he filled out the paperwork.

She went to pickup my belongings. Its at this stage she admits that she wanted to make her ex-boyfriend a little jealous. To achieve this she glammed and sparkled herself - she looked stunning.

She returned 2 hours later to return the trailer and the first guy served her again. He was STILL completely normal, didn't seem keen and served her as if he was serving a bloke.

BUT - when she arrives home, she notices she received a notification that someone had added her on facebook. She didn't know the name so she looked up the profile only to find that the guy that had served her had added her to Facebook!

This was alarming to say the least. The guy had her licence details, phone number, address and knew what she looked like. She ignored the friend request and panicked for the next couple of days thinking that he would try alternative means of contacting her. Thank goodness that he got the hint and didn't try and contact her again.

I really can't blame the guy she is sweet, stunningly beautiful and completely innocent. This is not the first time that the bubblyblonde has had a stalking experience (yes the bubblyblonde has more to tell)...

It just goes to show that you not only need to be vigilant in who you are providing details to when dating online. Apparently you also need to watch out for real life stalkers who can legally access your information and then seek to contact you online. I am yet to believe that this is a good development...

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