Saturday, 10 September 2011

Chefette continues to be unresponsive – the final chapter

Well I was to meet up with Chefette again for Sunday. However, I received a text message late afternoon saying that we couldn’t catch up tonight and to reschedule to Tuesday. I said that was fine.

I was surprised to receive no reason for the change of plans. I would have expected that he would provide an excuse or reason for the change of plans. This was a little concerning as he was not sharing his plans with me. I got the sense that he was pulling away. This was probably a good thing, as I was going to have a chat with him when we next caught up to ask whether he was interested or whether he was just going with the flow. It seemed like we were more mates than dating…

Me and my fuck buddy caught up Monday night for True Blood night, but we were both too interested in talking and fell asleep in each other’s arms as opposed to watching the show. I felt more of a connection with my fuck buddy than I did with Chefette. So I messaged Chefette and gave a  very plausible excuse for not catching up that night and asked if he was free later in the week. I also tried to give him a call after work to apologise and see how he was going. It is now Saturday and have not received one message, one bit of communication from Chefette.

I had given him all the options, he was a little cash strapped so I said just give me a ring and I would give him a call back. I also gave him my facebook and MSN details. There was literally no excuse to not communicate.

So this morning, I have texted him and stated “in the interests of closure… It was nice to meet him and wished him all the best for the future.” I don’t expect to receive a reply, it seems like he is avoidant in that he wants to avoid confrontations or discussions. So that’s the final chapter for Chefette.

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