Saturday, 10 September 2011

Backlog - Update

Well apologies to all, it has been a while since my last update. So this post aims to clear the backlog :)

Well two weekends ago I spent Friday and Saturday nights with my fuck buddy. We were still talking about the volcano incident. He was upset when I walked out on him and never wanted to feel that way again. I reiterated that he had the right to spend time with anyone that he wanted as i had the right to remove myself from people that I didn’t want to associate with. It was more that he didn’t acknowledge my choice to not associate with them than anything else.

Apparently, I have pissed off his neighbour. His neighbour seems to be grumpy with me for whatever reason. He thinks I’m a ‘spoilt brat’, ‘controlling’, a ‘freeloader’, and an ‘obnoxious arrogant person.’ Its interesting to hear other peoples perspective of how they perceive you. Growing up in state housing in a lower socio-economic suburb with fanatical religious parents does not lend itself to becoming a spoilt brat. In fact my experiences have grounded me, made me stronger as a person. I acknowledge that I am a little bit of a snob – but lets face facts – I could have ended up as white trash with my background – instead I excelled at school and went to university – I made me – I wasn’t satisfied with the cards that life had dealt me and I did something about it – everyone has the opportunity to do the same.

I am a little opinionated and love a good heated discussion about politics, religion, boat people and all the topics that one should never discuss in polite company. I say what I think and have very reasoned logical responses to back up what Im saying. Some may call this obnoxious and arrogant. I consider it as having a spark, I’m not going to just go with the status quo – I tried that with hiding my sexuality – I’m not going to hide who I am or hide my opinions.

It was interesting Saturday night as during the day he had one of his fuck buddy’s round for drinks. Apparently the visitor had wanted to fuck around with my fuck buddy. As we were meeting that night, my fuck buddy was uncomfortable and refused. The visitor was upset at this refusal as my fuck buddy had never refused a fuck before. It was a little bit of an ego boost for me but troubling at the same time. My fuck buddy said that he knows that we are not exclusive but it didn’t feel right.

The visitor knew that I was coming round that night. When we left to go out for dinner, the visitor messaged to say how long my fuck buddy would be as he wanted to come round again… I said to my fuck buddy that he obviously wanted to fuck after I had left… he probably wasn’t aware that I would be sleeping over with my fuck buddy. When we got home, the visitor was asleep in my fuck buddy’s bed as the neighbour had let him in. My fuck buddy instantly knew that I would not tolerate it and was ‘upset’ that his visitor did not get the hint to stay away. I just simply said he had two choices, 1) eject him from the house and spend the night with me 2) I would leave.  There was no third option. Some may say that this is controlling… however I am not pushing for either option – I am just giving my fuck buddy the choice. If I was in a relationship there would be no options. My fuck buddy chose the first option…

Had a first date with a guy for morning tea today, he was one of those guys that look photogenic but sadly an unfortunate sight in reality. His skin was pocketed, his teeth were yellow and simply awful – he was a grinder and had grinded down a significant portion of this teeth. The first 45 minutes were all talking about him, his life and experiences, he was name dropping left right and centre. It appeared like his life was defined by the people he had met. It was only during the last 10 minutes that he seemed to show any interest in me – albeit a forced cursory enquiry into my life. He was uneducated, hadn’t completed Year 12, was hyperactive and couldn’t sit still. Thank goodness I had said that I had lunch with a mate as this was my exit strategy. I politely said that it was time for me to go and that it was nice to meet him – no talk about meeting up again on both sides… he obviously got the drift… he had insight unlike the McDonald’s manager.

I met up with Chefette for a movie night for the 7th date, it was nice enough. My feelings about the lack of connection with Chefette are continuing. We just didn't seem to have the spark. We seemed great on paper - similar interests, he had boyish good looks and a great sense of humour. The next date with Chefette on Thursday night went well. I actually met his mother, and we had a good chat about things one does not usually discuss on a first meet - politics and religion... (needless to say I was in my element and the conversation flowed well.
I continued to see my fuck buddy for about 5 consecutive nights for the next few weeks...

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